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“DharmoAcharitaRakshita” – Practice Dharma… with the Motto that Dharma will Protect you

MahaMandaleshwars, PithAdhipatulu ,MatthaAdiputalu and many Saints are performing their services in the service of Hindus, as an example and mirror of Hindu Dharma with the best methods. The first thing that came to mind was Hindu religion. We all know that Saints and Priests. As a result of their tireless efforts in the preservation of Hindu Dharma and Sanatana Dharma, our country is glorified to a great extent. However, from time to time, due to lack of understanding and lack of understanding, Hindu dharma is being undermined due to indifference and lack of understanding among Hindus due to foreign especially western obsession. So we should remember to practice and protect our dharma first. According to the things we have noticed in the current situation, we are getting weaker day by day in preserving the cultural traditions, ancient temples, gopuras and civilization due to the loss of mythological knowledge in the Hindu society and the careless attitude towards Dharma. Taking this as an opportunity, some evil forces are trying to weaken our Dharma further.


When the above things came to light, many programs were conducted to seek the protection of Dharma through the temple gopurams which are the foundation of our culture.

There is a need to be careful not to disrupt the thought processes of protecting our dharma, culture and protecting the country by using the gifts offered by Hindu devotees for the development of Hindu temples and for the advancement of the devotees. Even the policies followed by our rulers are dangerous to our dharma and national security. Every Hindu should carefully examine and investigate these matters